I ett större projektsammanhang använde jag, tillsammans med kundens linjeorganisation, ett AI-baserat verktyg för att…

Open House Event – IPMA Young Crew
En milstolpe har nåtts, torsdagen den 23 april CET 18.00-19.00 kommer IPMA Young Crew Sweden att lansera ett digitalt öppet hus – där alla som är intresserade av IPMA Young Crew Sweden har möjlighet att träffa och hälsa på vår styrelse.
One milestone has been reached, on Thursday 23 april CET 18.00-19.00 IPMA Young Crew Sweden will launch an open house event where everyone who is interested in IPMA Young Crew Sweden has an opportunity to meet and greet with our board. You could ask questions about for example IPMA certification, coaching, IPMA’s Individual Competence Baseline (ICB4), membership or upcoming events.
The week after on Thursday 30 april CET 18.00-19.00 we launch an appreciated event ”Project Manager of the month” a virtual meeting where experienced project managers share their real life experience focusing on sucess factors of project management. This event will be launched every month (except during the summer holidays) of 2020! A great opportunity to gain experience and new insights! We will launch invitations for upcoming online Zoom-events soon. Stay tuned and follow us on LinkedIn.
Anybody interested to know more about IPMA Young Crew Sweden (a global team of young professionals and students in project management aged from 18 to 35 years old) and what activities we are currently working on. You may be a student of project management or a young project professional looking for a dynamic network of like-minded people who want to contribute to a better project world by:
- Promoting IPMA’s standards and values.
- Offering a platform for all the people who are interested in project management for sharing their knowledge and learning together.
- Exchanging knowledge and experience on project management.
- Promoting career development of young professionals in the field of project management.
- Building a community of young management professionals and be the bridge between them and more experienced professionals.
- Introducing coaching as a method for experiential learning and professional development
You may also be a senior professional with an interest to share your experience in the project management field by offering an online lecture or to engage as a coach or mentor for YC Sweden members.
18:00-18:20 Presentation of IPMA YC Sweden Board: who are we and why IPMA Young Crew?
18:20-18:40 Group discussions: What can we use the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline ICB4 for (competence preparation, coaching, certification,…)?
18:40-19:00 Summary of group discussions: How to become a member? Next steps and upcoming events?
The meeting will take place on Zoom:
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+46 8 5050 0829 Sweden
Meeting ID: 898 911 5158
Password: 752469
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Password: 752469
Find your local number: https://kau-se.zoom.us/u/cep0vgueqf